Monday 30 January 2023

Aluminum Recycling 101: Why Is It Important and What Is The Benefit?


What is the benefit of recycling aluminum?

As mentioned above, there are many benefits to having aluminum recycled. Here are some of the benefits of aluminum recycling.


Lessen environmental impact with recycled aluminum

Millions of tons of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide are emitted annually by the aluminum industry worldwide, which helps to cause global warming. According to the Container Recycling Institute, aluminum cans make up only 1.4 percent of a ton of trash by weight, but they are responsible for 14.1 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions caused by replacing a ton of trash with new products created from virgin resources. Sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide, two harmful gasses that are essential components of smog and acid rain, are also produced during the smelting of aluminum.


Additionally, five tons of bauxite ore must be strip-mined, crushed, washed, and refined into alumina before being refined into new aluminum cans, which must be manufactured to replace cans that were not recycled. This procedure generates around five tons of caustic mud, which can contaminate both surface and groundwater, and harm our health.


Utilizing recycled aluminum has numerous advantages for the environment, including lowering energy consumption, mining pollution, transport pollution and emissions, and carbon dioxide emissions.


Maintain the same performance and physical properties with recycled aluminum

The term "recycled" might sometimes imply that the performance and strength of the product need to be decreased. For instance, using a recycled paper straw may help save marine turtles, but after 10 minutes in your drink, it becomes soggy. Recycling aluminum cannot be stated to be the same.


Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and never loses its characteristics. The majority of businesses can attain the same degree of performance, lightweight, durability, strength, and corrosion resistance with recycled secondary aluminum. Recycled aluminum is suitable for you, if your component requires a die-casting material that retains high strength and durability at high temperatures, has excellent thermal conductivity, and high dimensional stability with thin walls.


Saving costs by using recycled aluminum

Aluminum extraction from ore is a labor-intensive, ineffective procedure. Electrolysis is used in the process to convert unprocessed bauxite into pure aluminum, however, it uses a lot of energy and raw materials with relatively little yield. Between 190 and 230 megajoules of energy and four kilograms of raw bauxite ore are needed to produce one kilogram of aluminum. 

Wissenswertes über dauerhafte Märkte – Bedeutung von dauerhaften Märkten


Wissenswertes über dauerhafte Märkte – Bedeutung von dauerhaften Märkten


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